Adding to the DNC List Print

  • 433

How to Add DNCs (Do Not Call)

1: Firstly, log into “Admin Panel” with your username and password.
Lading page

2: Inside the left box, click on “Data" and then "Manage DNC”.
DNC List Link

3: A page like this will load up, then click “Add New” in the right corner next to “Export DNC”
DNC List page

4: Add the number you wish to block from the dialler without the (+44) country code or the “0” at the start of the number. For example; 7652892636
ADD DNC List  form page

5: Once you press “Submit” you’ve added a new number to the DNC list. A small box should appear at the top to confirm the number has been added, along with the phone number you added.
DNC Number Added

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